Your septum is simply a thin layer of bone and cartilage that separates your left and right nasal cavities. Whenever it’s off balance or deviated, it can cause one nasal passage to be smaller than the other.
If you have trouble breathing and frequently suffer from sinusitis, you may have a crooked septum. Your sinuses aren’t the only problems you have to worry about, though—a deviated septum can also cause frequent headaches, snoring, and other inconveniences. If you want to discover whether or not you have a deviated septum, read on for the top signs you might have a deviated septum and what to do.
Difficulty Breathing Through Your Nose
Is drawing breath through your nose always a struggle? Do you breathe through your mouth more often than not to compensate? Those are telltale signs of a deviated septum. You may notice they’re more prevalent at night, or you may experience them all day.
Another sign you may have a deviated septum is if you have nosebleeds quite often. A nosebleed here or there is normal, especially if you live in a dry environment. Frequent nosebleeds, however, are signs that something else is wrong. A deviated septum makes it harder for air to move through your nasal passages. That dries out your membranes and causes nosebleeds.
Repeated Sinus Infections
If you have chronic sinusitis, a deviated septum may be to blame. Since one side of your nose is smaller than the other, you’re more prone to inflammation and congestion, which cause your sinuses to back up. The result? A pesky sinus infection with painful symptoms. If you’re sick of your chronic sinusitis, talk to a doctor about functional rhinoplasty to correct your deviated septum.
Frequent Headaches
Another cumbersome side effect of a deviated symptom is a headache. That’s because the congestion causes pressure to build up inside your sinuses. These headaches are often intense and quite painful.
Snoring and Sleep Apnea
Lastly, snoring and sleep apnea are signs you may have a deviated septum, as one nostril that’s smaller than the other can cause difficulty breathing when you’re asleep. Loud snoring can also be frustrating for your entire household.
By now, you should have a better idea of whether you have a deviated septum. Even if you don’t show any of these symptoms, you still may have a slight deviation. If you’ve read about these signs you might have a deviated septum and you’re wondering what to do, talk to your doctor about treatment options.