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Writer's pictureDr Charles Glassman

Best Recovery Tips for Weight Loss Surgery

Updated: Jan 15, 2024

Weight loss surgery is a life-changing procedure that requires ample recovery time. However, everyone’s body is different, and it’s important to create a space and adapt practices that will accommodate your post-op needs. Keep reading to learn about the best recovery tips for weight loss surgery.

Create a Home Recovery Plan

Before surgery, it’s essential to create a home recovery plan. Take a look at your home and think of potential obstacles. Do you have many stairs in your home? Is your bedroom upstairs? How accessible are the bathroom and kitchen? You must set up your home to accommodate your post-surgery needs. If you have a lot of stairs in your home, perhaps you could plan to have your recovery on the first floor so you’ll have easy access to a bathroom and the kitchen.

Follow Your Diet Recommendations

Weight loss surgery requires a specific diet plan that helps your body recover and ease your way into nutritious eating habits. Your surgeon will give you a diet plan and it’s critical to follow it to avoid pain and discomfort. For example, pureed food is among the diet recommendations after gastric bypass surgery because it’s soft and easy to swallow.

Avoid Strenuous Activities

You can’t perform strenuous activities for three to six weeks after weight loss surgery. Avoid lifting heavy objects, making pull motions such as pulling a vacuum, or standing for long periods. Your body will be sore after surgery, so taking things slow is important. However, movement is important to prevent blood clots from forming in your legs. If you want to move without straining yourself too much, climb stairs or walk around your house a few times a day.

Drink Plenty of Water

Hydration is key to expedient recovery. After surgery, you may feel tired, weak, or nauseous. Keeping up with your fluid intake will help you ease some pain and discomfort. Drinking water will keep you hydrated and also flush the medications from your body that were used during surgery. In addition, drinking water is important because dehydration can lead to muscle cramps, dizziness, and dry mouth. Take sips of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.

It takes a lot of time to recover from weight loss surgery. Therefore, it’s important to create a space and adapt practices that support your recovery needs. I hope my list of the best recovery tips for weight loss surgery was helpful to you.

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